Saturday, February 29, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for - 40

I'm grateful I got to hang with Ramón, lovely conversation, vegan sausage, sesame spelt bread which was gluten free.

I'm grateful for my clean place.  Great job Tanya! 

I'm grateful for my dinner with Eli. He is awesome,  as painful as it can be sometimes. 

I'm grateful for the kind of Saturday today has been. Thank you! 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for- 39

I'm grateful I wasn't let go. I manufactured my role by saying something. 

I'm grateful I made it to yoga.

I'm grateful for the lady that found my ring and gave it to the front desk. I'm grateful I asked. 

I'm grateful I remembered to tap my presto so I wasn't ticketed when checker came by. 

I'm grateful I'm spending my evening with Eli so I can process and am distracted from the news that Debbie and Carol were let go. 

I'm grateful for my progress on my parent's sponsorship application. I'm grateful for my siblings health. I'm grateful for Ignite. I'm grateful for JLT. I'm grateful for so many opportunities to pave my path.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for - 38

I'm grateful for my learnings from Ignite.
I'm grateful for the opportunity and recognition. 
I'm grateful for my self restraint from over indulging in snacks and meat.
I'm grateful for the distraction that is Eli.
I'm sooo grateful for my progress in my parents sponsorship application. 
I'm grateful Rochelle took over some of the tasks. It's not a reflection on my inability, but a demonstration of sharing of work towards a common goal.

Monday, February 24, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for- 37

I'm soooooo grateful to hear  progress from Immigration Canada -  I can feel my parents PR to Canada is at my fingertips. It feels amazing. Warm, strong rush of feelings. 

I'm grateful for the trust to run Paul's new world in Canada. I'm visualizing becoming a leader, in title. Leading people my way! 

I'm grateful I accomplished all my tasks today. Yoga, eyebrows, prep for Ignite onsite tomorrow,  eating clean.

Monday, February 10, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for - 36

Today I was kind to myself. 
At work i feel excluded,  under utilized and in recognized. I have many things to  be grateful for still,  good people,  mentorship but I realized today I'm pushing when I should be pulling away. 
I'm deciding to pull away from I&TS. Give my love and focus to future TC. 
I'm grateful for that realization.
I'm grateful I went to yoga. 
I'm grateful I talked to Eli about it. 
I'm grateful for food Sherry made and brought me today. 
I'm grateful for my peace of mind. Baby steps. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for - 35

I'm grateful for my life today. 
Grateful that I am processing my thoughts. 
Grateful for my time at home,  doing laundry,  food prep, talking to mum...grateful for my sunday evening! This is what I would like Sundaying to be ....preparation to feel prepared and good for the week. 

I'm grateful I have money to make mistakes. I'll have to pay twice for furniture delivery,  I live and I learn. 

I'm grateful my back is feeling better. 

I'm grateful for my almost revelation. I'm procrastinating from doing the things I know will be awesome for me because I'm scared that even if I do them, I wont be recognized or promoted. If I don't do them , it will be my excuse to not have gotten what I wanted and therefore to leave. I'm scared that it won't be useful. Deep down though I believe it will be. I know it will be. No one is thinking like me right now. Maybe they dont need me. 

Please help me and my mind. Be kind! Be brave. Be bold! 
Getting to end of Feb - PA meeting minutes, severance notes
Building transparency - IDP 
Strategic success - share my bio
Extra curriculars- email Danny and team

Thursday, February 6, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for - 34

My life 
Went to work 
Met important deliverable, engaged in dialogue, planned for next deliverables, didn't get to everything I wanted 
Worked out- went to yoga 
Met up with a friend for a relaxing evening of good thai food at a very hip place 
Traveled home safely and within an hour because I live close to the city 
I'm in  bed with a wonderful book to finish ...gotta start thinking about the next auto biography I'm going to read. 
Grateful for my life!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

One thing I'm grateful for - 33

I'm grateful I had positive dialogue at work and productive outcome with Ally today on my directing my career path.
I'm grateful I had a  meal waiting for me when I got home. Eli picked up food . Minus not having the same life goals he's a good partner . Someone I could run a household with? Someone who respects, trusts and loves me? Someone who could be a good dad to my kids? 
I'm grateful I was able to send money to Ma to help uncle McJoe.
Thank you God! I made it through the week.

Monday, February 3, 2020

One good thing I'm I'm grateful for - 32

I'm grateful I returned the car safely yesterday and avoided the almost crash.

I'm grateful for my.home, for laundry and meals prepped. I did well for myself. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

One good thing I'm grateful for 30/31

I'm grateful I still have a job 
I'm grateful I was able to figure out the numbers question, after being looped in so late. It reinforces to me how smart I am how quickly I pick up and catch on.
I'm grateful I made it to yoga 3 times this week. Getting back to my workout routine is awesome  :) 

I'm grateful I can rent a car, I have Eli in my life and I can afford to send money to my mum for her paraplegic brother. 

Thank you God! 
Thank you for being with me the past 31 days. First month of 2020 substance clear :)