Everything in life happens for a reason. I believe that is true for what happens and when it happens. I believe that it happens not just for you but other people around you....we are connected in such a way that one of us acts as a messenger for another.....
So came into my life Art of Living. I had done this course for the first time 5 years ago in 2005. It was an impactful experience which I thought had changed my world. Truth is, it didn't. It made an impact for the time that it happened but shortly after lost its novelty. Here I am, 5 years later in 2010 doing the course again.
Art of living is a system developed by H H Shri Shri Ravi Shankar that aims to teach people the art of living in this crazy busy world of ours through techniques of breathing, yoga and positive conditioning of the mind. Also, the fact that it is done in groups creates massive positive energy which manages to touch people who do this course, along with the people who know them.
This course taught me, or actually reinforced certain facts of wisdom that we tend to forget with stress and other distractions of this world. General facts that we all need to remember to protect our minds from the craziness that has taken over this world and hope that we can spread our sanity and happiness to another person, and another person, and another person, thus making an impact on the world's lives.
The class begins with yoga,which re-energizes the body. It stretches the body to limits where the mind allows it to. The teachers say "Smile" while trying. The muscles on the face work in unison with the muscles in your body. This is followed by breathing exercises, creating the mood for acceptance and change. Supposedly, man uses only 30 percent of his lung capacity. This technique of breathing teaches us to utilize our lungs for what they are worth. The teachers say you can control your thoughts with your breathing by becoming aware. Become aware of how you breathe when you are experiencing different emotions. Don't let the emotions control the breathing. Control your emotions through your breathing.
With gratitude, sincerity and honor, we then begin to meditate. A sense of peace and calm achieved through breathing. The first time I did this, I wondered why people used marijuana to relax. I won't describe the experience, just how I felt after. I felt open, receptive, warm and grateful. I wanted to change the world, I wanted to implement the lessons learnt here, I wanted to grow, I wanted to be ME. I was beginning to like me.
The course talks about many things. The main thing they try and leave you with are the 5 lessons which can be remembered with the help of one hand.
1. Opposite values are complementary - only when you have seen the worst, can you truly appreciate the good for what its worth. Don't take anything for granted, good things are too precious for that.
2.Don't see intentions behind other people's mistakes - every human is here trying to live their own life, trying to make their way being the best they can be. It is human instinct to maximize what they can gain from any situation. You do the same. In the process, if you get hurt, if someone steps on your toes, don't hold it against them..after all, they are only doing what you may have done, in the way that they know how.
3. Don't be a football of other people's opinions - be your own, love your own. Don't let what other people say or do change who you are. People change, what they say change, what they do change - trust yourself in knowing that you are doing your best.
4. Present moment is inevitable - The present moment is already here. Don't fight it. Work with it. You cannot change the moment but you can change your reaction to the moment, which in turn changes the future. I am a believer of energies, but not a blind believer. Actions, along with thoughts are essential for energy to take form and be powerful enough to create moments. It is harder to create a happy moment than a sad one. Accept, do, learn and move forward.
5. Live in the present - The past is gone, the future is yet to come - all we have is the present. Don't lose it thinking of what has passed and what is going to come. Gain the present. Be in the moment.